Sunday, October 4, 2009

Walk Now for Autism Speaks

October 4, 2009 - Jones Beach State Park

The fund raising walk to support the efforts of "Autism Speaks" was held on this beautiful day. I heard that there were 25,000 families in attendance. There had to be 50,000 people there showing their support. Hundreds of volunteers worked hard to organize this event. There's no way that this could have been anything other than a huge success!

I was there to simply take photographs. The results of my work can be found by clicking on the title above. It will take you to a page on my web site where one more obvious click will take you to the photo album. There you will see photos of cute kids, supportive families, enthusiastic teams of walkers, talented musical performers, and a guest speaker or two. All in all, it was a very enjoyable day!

You too can help to support this great organization in its efforts to find a cure. Just visit to find out how.

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